Timber Hoardings
Starkold have been carrying out timber hoarding installations for a number of years now with many variations of fixing details to suite client’s individual requirements. Each project is surveyed and then put through to our structural engineer for design details to suite site conditions, all new installations are installed in line with the agreed design.
All timber hoarding products are all pre-painted in-house in full corporate colours prior to being delivered to site which cuts out any issues you may have with inclement weather and of course paint drying times on site and taking away any public interface issues. On return of the hoarding system each panel will be inspected for damages and where possible will be refurbished and reused for another application in line with our current environmental systems.
In Ground System
The more traditional method where each post hole will be hand dug and the timber posts secured with concrete. This system is now only commonly used where the ground conditions are undulating or sloping.
On Ground System
This system is designed and built in house; this has now become more commonly used due to the flexibility and manoeuvrability of the system and the fact that there are no repairs required on removal, making it ideal system for retail car parks etc. 95% of all external timber hoarding is now the on ground system.
PIR Zero Flame Spread Internal Coldstore Panel / Fire Rated Mineral Wool Panels 30 -120min
The coldstore panel serves a variety of applications from cold rooms to a dividing wall on a gable end extension, to temporary welfare facilities and pedestrian tunnels.
Cold Store Panel Hoardings
This system is widely used throughout a number of our key projects. The Minderal Fibre Composite panel varies in terms of fire performance from 1/2 fire rating to a 4hr rating for high risk circumstances.
The system can be utilised in a number of applications:
- Fire rated walls
- Temporary entrances
- Pedestian tunnels
- Cold and chill storage
- Architectural panels
- Clean rooms
Our technical consultants can advise in all cases the funtion ability for each project.
Traffic And Pedestrian Barriers / Multi Application Safety Systems
Pedestrian segregation and public interface are important factors for all clients to consider, particularly when construction projects interface with the public and the project workforce.
Now an essential part of most site logistic plans, we can supply a full variety of products from Melba Strongwall to Steel Mass Barrier.
HERAS Fencing
More commonly used in for temporary low impact environments for segregation purposes, very light and flexible and be relocated as a matter of cause as required.
- Heavy duty reinforced panels:
- Reinforced to extend working life
- Corner reinforcement plates fully welded in each corner to deter weld failure (6 extra welding points per corner). Panel protection ensured by 38mm all round tube diameter.
- Compliance to Health & Safety’s Accidents to Children on Construction Sites: H&S (G) 151.
- Heavy duty anti-climb panels:
- Increased weld strength is enabled by “swaging” the horizontal tube to allow maximum contact surface around the tube joints. Welding joint failure is vastly reduced as well as increasing durability and lifespan.
- 38mm all round tube diameter for maximum protection.
- Compliance to Health & Safety’s Accidents to Children on Construction Sites: H&S (G) 151.