Starkold have combined our in-house transport service facility with that of our local but national partners, they give us the opportunity to attain return loads continually driving the transport costs down.
Same day deliveries inc courier service
This we can offer as an in-house service, as we all know the retail sector of the construction industry can often throw a spanner in the works and in order to oversee these little challenges we often need to show some flexibility where suppliers may not be able to deliver within the hour or indeed that night, we can!
Site Fire plans
We now have the ability in house to help design and assist in the managing of your site fire plans in conjunction with the site manager and his Logistics Foreman, the plans will work alongside any programme or phasing documents.
Warehousing and unloading
Starkold operate accurate software for the management in stock control and movement, all items are recorded and the clients are kept fully up to date. We also have a full array of unloading equipment, which is also on hand 24/7.
Client material storage
We now hold various items of stock for our clients ranging from plant, materials, equipment and turnkey items.
Fire protection
We build, maintain and service our fire protection equipment from basic fire points to more sophisticated wired points.
Silicone and mastic work
We can offer this as a local service in-house or indeed call in one of our expert national partners if the work is further afield